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April 7, 2023

Support Your Local Economy: Why Shopping at Locally Owned Businesses Is Beneficial

We're proud to be a locally owned and operated office supplies business in Newfoundland and Labrador. We know that shopping from local businesses is beneficial to both the economy and the community, and we’re happy to share why.


When you shop from a locally owned business like ours, you’re keeping your money in your local market. That means your purchase is helping to create and sustain jobs in the community. In addition, when you shop local, you’re helping to support local initiatives and organizations, such as charities and non-profits. Many local businesses donate a portion of their profits to local initiatives and organizations or offer discounts and special deals for non-profits. By shopping local, you’re helping to ensure that these vital programs and services remain available to the community.


Shopping locally also helps to keep your city/town vibrant. Local businesses often have unique offerings that you won’t find in big-box stores. This helps to make a unique, interesting place to live.


Finally, shopping locally helps to build relationships between customers and businesses, and between businesses and the community. When you shop from a local business, you’re likely to have a more personalized shopping experience. You’ll get to know the business owners and employees, and they’ll get to know you. This helps to create a stronger sense of community, as well as a sense of responsibility to the community.


At Dicks and Company Basics, we know that shopping locally is good for everyone involved, and we appreciate your support! Thanks for choosing to shop with us.



April 1, 2023

Reduce Your Environmental Footprint and Save Money with Remanufactured Printer Cartridges!

If you're looking for an eco-friendly and wallet-friendly way to reduce your environmental impact, using remanufactured printer cartridges is definitely worth considering. Not only does it help to reduce landfill waste by giving cartridges a new lease of life, but it also conserves energy and water, and reduces carbon emissions.


Did you know that it can take up to 1,000 years for printer cartridges to decompose in landfills? By opting for remanufactured cartridges made from recycled materials, you can help to reduce the amount of waste that ends up there. Plus, manufacturing new cartridges requires a lot of energy, while remanufactured ones require significantly less. By choosing to use remanufactured cartridges, you're doing your part to conserve energy and reduce your carbon footprint.


But that's not all. The production of new printer cartridges also requires a significant amount of water, while remanufactured ones require substantially less. By using remanufactured cartridges, you're helping to conserve water resources as well.


Not only is using remanufactured cartridges great for the environment, but it can also save you money. They're typically less expensive than new cartridges, so you're not only reducing your environmental impact but also your printing costs.


All in all, choosing to use remanufactured printer cartridges is a win-win for both your wallet and the environment. So, why not give it a try and see the benefits for yourself? Check out our selection of Basics® Brand remanufactured cartridges here > .





March 7th, 2023

Checklist for Office Ergonomics: Eight Tips for a Healthy and Productive Workstation


It’s important to take care of our bodies and ensure that we are practicing good ergonomics, no matter if we’re working from home or at the office. This is especially crucial for those of us who spend long hours sitting at a desk. To help you stay healthy and productive, we've put together a checklist of workplace ergonomics tips. Follow these guidelines to ensure that your workstation is set up in a way that promotes good posture and reduces the risk of injury.


1. Adjust your chair: Start by adjusting your chair to the correct height so that your feet are flat on the ground, your knees are at a 90-degree angle, and your hips are level with your knees. This will help to ensure good blood flow to your legs. Your chair should also have good lumbar support, which will help to prevent lower back pain. Make sure your chair has adjustable armrests that can be positioned so that your arms can rest comfortably at your sides. This will help to prevent strain on your shoulders and neck.


2. Position your keyboard: Your keyboard should be placed at a height that allows your arms to rest comfortably at your sides, with your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle. This will help to prevent strain on your wrists and forearms. Consider using a keyboard tray to achieve the ideal position. By using a keyboard tray, you can adjust the height, tilt, and distance of your keyboard with ease, giving you greater flexibility in setting up your workstation. Additionally, a keyboard tray can free up valuable desk space and improve your overall posture and comfort by allowing you to maintain a neutral wrist position while typing. Look for a keyboard tray that can support the size and weight of your keyboard and that has a range of motion that suits your needs. With the help of a keyboard tray, you can achieve the perfect keyboard position for your ergonomic setup.


3. Position your mouse: Your mouse should be close to your keyboard and at the same height. This will prevent you from having to reach for your mouse, which can cause strain on your shoulders and neck.


4. Use an ergonomic mouse: A traditional mouse can cause strain on your wrists and forearms, especially if you use it for long periods of time. Consider investing in an ergonomic mouse that is designed to support your hand and reduce the risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. There are many different types of ergonomic mice available, such as vertical mice or trackballs, so experiment with different options to find the one that works best for you. By using an ergonomic mouse, you can further reduce the risk of developing discomfort or injury from repetitive use.


5. Adjust your monitor: Your monitor should be positioned at a comfortable viewing distance, usually about an arm's length away. The top of the monitor should be at or slightly below eye level, and the screen should be tilted slightly upward to reduce glare. Consider using a monitor arm to achieve the ideal position. A monitor arm allows you to adjust the height, tilt, and distance of your monitor with ease, giving you greater flexibility in setting up your workstation. By using a monitor arm, you can avoid straining your neck or eyes by having to adjust your posture to see your monitor clearly. Additionally, a monitor arm can free up valuable desk space and improve the overall aesthetics of your workstation. Look for a monitor arm that can support the size and weight of your monitor and that has a range of motion that suits your needs.


6. Consider using footrests and backrests: Use a footrest and/or backrest if you find that your workstation setup does not allow you to maintain proper posture. Your feet should be able to rest comfortably on the floor or a footrest, with your thighs parallel to the floor. This helps to improve circulation and reduce pressure on your lower back. Additionally, a backrest can provide support for your spine and help to maintain the natural curve of your lower back. A footrest can help to reduce pressure on your lower back and improve blood flow to your legs, while a backrest can help to support your spine and prevent slouching. Look for a footrest and backrest that provide the right amount of support for your needs, so you can further reduce the risk of developing discomfort or injury from sitting for extended periods of time.


7. Consider a sit-to-stand desk: A sit-to-stand desk allows you to switch between sitting and standing throughout the day, which can help to reduce the risk of developing aches and pains from sitting for extended periods of time. Standing can also help to improve circulation, increase energy levels, and reduce fatigue. Sit-to-stand desks are adjustable, allowing you to easily switch between sitting and standing positions; some desks even come with pre-set height adjustments that you can customize to your specific needs. If you are using a sit-to-stand desk, be sure to adjust the height of your monitor and keyboard accordingly to maintain proper posture while standing (following the same positioning tips above). You can also consider using an anti-fatigue mat or standing mat to help reduce fatigue and provide extra support for your feet and legs.


8. Take breaks: Even with good ergonomics, sitting for long periods of time can be hard on your body. To further reduce the risk of discomfort or injury from sitting for extended periods of time, take regular breaks to stretch your muscles and give your eyes a rest. Every 30 minutes or so, stand up and stretch your legs, arms, neck, and shoulders. You can also perform simple exercises such as shoulder rolls, neck stretches, and leg extensions to help improve circulation and reduce muscle tension. In addition, follow the 20-20-20 rule for eye health. Every 20 minutes, take a break from looking at your screen and focus on an object at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This can help to reduce eye strain and prevent eye fatigue.


By following these simple tips, you can help to prevent injuries and stay comfortable and productive at work. Remember, taking care of your body is key to success in any workplace. So, take the time to set up your workstation properly and make ergonomics a priority in your workday.




February 13th, 2023

Transform Your Workspace: Simple Tips for Organizing Your Desk

Let's face it, a cluttered and disorganized desk can make even the most motivated person feel demotivated. It's hard to focus on tasks and find what you need when your workspace is a mess. But don't worry, organizing your desk doesn't have to be a daunting task. With a little bit of planning and some creative solutions, you'll be able to have a clean and functional desk in no time.


First things first, let's declutter. Go through everything on your desk and decide what you need, use, and want to keep. Get rid of anything that doesn't fit into those categories. This step is crucial as it's hard to organize things you don't actually need.


Next, assign a home for every item that's left. Think about what you use the most and where it would be most convenient for you to have it. Give each item a specific spot, whether it's in a drawer, on a shelf, or in a bin. This will make it easy to put things away and find them when you need them.


Don't underestimate the power of vertical space. Your desk surface is probably limited, so make use of the space above it by using wall-mounted organizers or shelving units. This will help keep your desk clear of clutter while still keeping everything easily accessible.


Desk organizers are also a great solution to keep your desk clutter-free. From desk trays to pencil holders, and document organizers, they can help you keep your items in order. Don't forget to use drawer organizers too to keep your drawers neat and tidy.


Finally, set a daily routine to keep your desk organized. Before you leave your office each day, make sure everything is put away in its assigned spot. And be consistent about cleaning your desk at the end of each day.


Organizing your desk can take some time to find the best solutions that work for you, so don't get discouraged if you don't get it right on the first try. Keep experimenting and stay consistent with your daily routine, and soon enough you'll have a tidy and functional space. And that's when the real productivity magic happens!




January 16th, 2023

Essentials for Your Breakroom

If you're looking to create an inviting and comfortable office breakroom, there are a few essential items that you'll need to get the job done. From furniture to snacks, these are the must-haves for creating a breakroom that employees will actually want to use.


1. Comfortable Furniture: You want to ensure that your breakroom has comfortable furniture that allows employees to sit comfortably and relax. Look for chairs and couches that are ergonomically designed, and provide plenty of cushions for extra comfort.


2. Refreshments: A breakroom wouldn't be complete without refreshments. Stock the area with coffee, tea, and other items that employees can enjoy. Be sure to provide an assortment of snacks, too, such as crackers, cookies, and fruit.


3. Entertainment: Give employees something to do during their breaks by providing books, magazines, board games, and other items that will keep them entertained. This can be a great way to encourage creativity and collaboration among coworkers.


4. A Pleasant Ambiance: Create a pleasant atmosphere in the breakroom by adding plants, artwork, and other decorations that will make it more inviting. Think about using soft lighting and relaxing music to create a calming environment.



January 4th, 2023

Five Ways to Increase Your Productivity at Work in 2023


Whether you work in a traditional office setting or from the comfort of your own home, the following tips can help you to stay organized, focused, and productive. By setting clear goals, creating a comfortable and distraction-free workspace, and taking regular breaks, you can improve your efficiency and get more done.


1. Set clear goals and priorities: It's important to have a clear understanding of what you need to accomplish each day, week, and month. Setting specific goals and prioritizing tasks can help you focus on what needs to be done and stay on track. Consider using a planner or calendar to help you stay organized and on top of your tasks.


2. Use time management techniques: Time management techniques, such as the Pomodoro Technique or time blocking, can help you make the most of your time and stay focused on your tasks. A timer or stopwatch can be helpful for keeping track of your work intervals and breaks.


3. Eliminate distractions: Distractions, whether it's social media or coworkers stopping by your desk, can disrupt your workflow and make it difficult to get things done. Eliminating distractions, or at least minimizing them, can help you stay focused and be more productive. Noise-cancelling headphones can be useful for blocking out ambient noise and helping you concentrate.


4. Take breaks: It might seem counterintuitive, but taking breaks can actually help increase your productivity. Taking a short break to stretch, walk around, or even meditate can help refresh your mind and allow you to return to your work with renewed energy and focus. A standing desk or a stability ball chair can help promote good posture and reduce fatigue while working.


5. Make use of technology: There are a variety of productivity tools and technologies available that can help you stay organized and on top of your tasks. For example, project management software such as Asana or Trello can help you keep track of your progress and collaborate with your team, while productivity apps such as Freedom or Forest can help you block distracting websites and stay focused on your work.


Overall, being more productive at work in 2023 requires setting clear goals and priorities, using time management techniques, eliminating distractions, taking breaks, and making use of technology. By implementing these strategies, you can improve your productivity and get more done in less time. Consider incorporating office supplies and technology products that support these strategies to enhance your productivity even further.



December 13th, 2022

The Benefits of Using an Ergonomic Chair


Ergonomic office chairs are designed to provide proper support and alignment to the body, which can help reduce the risk of discomfort and injury while working at a desk. Here are a few benefits of using an ergonomic office chair:


• Improved posture: An ergonomic chair is designed to promote good posture by supporting the natural curvature of the spine. This can help reduce pressure on the back and neck, which can prevent pain and stiffness.


• Increased comfort: Ergonomic chairs are often designed with features such as adjustable lumbar support and armrests to provide maximum comfort. This can help reduce fatigue and improve overall comfort while working.


• Enhanced productivity: When you're comfortable, you're more likely to be productive. By using an ergonomic chair, you can avoid the discomfort and pain that can distract you from your work.


• Reduced risk of injury: The right chair can help reduce the risk of common injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis. An ergonomic chair can help distribute your weight evenly and support your body in a way that promotes good posture and alignment.


Ultimately you can work better by using an ergonomic office chair to improve posture, increase comfort, enhance productivity, and reduce the risk of injury.


What to Look for in an Ergonomic Chair:



Reclining chairs reduce pressure on your spine and posterior and provide freedom of movement. Features to look for:

• Back angle adjustment

• Tilt-lock control

• Infinitely adjustable seat angle


Back Support

Your lower back should fit comfortably against the chair’s lumbar support. Your whole back should move easily, improving circulation and allowing oxygen to flow. Features to look for:

• Back height adjustment

• Adjustable lumbar support

• Neck rest


Seat Depth

If your seat depth is too long, your body will lose the benefit of lumbar support. Too shallow and your thighs will not be supported. Features to look for:

• Seat depth adjustment

• Seat angle adjustment


Adjustable Arms

Your arms should rest comfortably on the armrests and be parallel to the floor to prevent hunched shoulders. Features to look for:

• Height adjustable

• Width adjustable

• Depth adjustable

• Articulating arm caps


Chair Height

Your feet should be flat on the floor and thighs parallel to the ground. The height and angle of the seat help you find the perfect position. Features to look for:

• Seat height adjustment

• Seat angle adjustment


Button for ergo chairs
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St. John's

385 Empire Avenue
St. John's, NL A1E 1W6
Phone: (709) 579-5111
Fax: (709) 579-2305

244 Water Street
Carbonear, NL A1Y 1B5
Phone: (709) 596-3599
Fax: (709) 596-2699
Grand Falls-Windsor

2 Pinsent Drive
Grand Falls-Windsor, NL A2A 2R6
Phone: (709) 489-5533
Fax: (709) 489-5030
Corner Brook

23 Forest Hill Road
Corner Brook, NL A2H 2S7
Phone: (709) 639-1813
Fax: (709) 639-1095
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